
Lisa Richardson’s fine art practice uses drawing, sculpture, photography, performance and film, underpinning her role as Award Leader of MA Illustration at AUB. Her provocative visual language explores relationships between body and landscape in questioning notions of the female artist’s body as a site of creative acts and transformation. The domestic space offers a catalyst for outcomes that can be simultaneously absurd, humorous and poetic. 

Most recently, Lisa has been collaborating with Fran Norton on The Non Fluid Body. This experimental arts project emerged through talking, laughing, drawing, making and lecturing alongside one another. It aims to investigate creative strategies of potential use to others. 

Current debates around gender fluidity, biology and sexuality are complex and require sensitivity. Aging women have long been under-represented artistically, politically, philosophically, academically and culturally. Negative associations prevail of the menopause as problematic, barren, dried-up and unproductive. 

Both menopausal women-artists, Lisa and Fran wish to celebrate this potentially liberating phase of life as a rich arena for transformative experience and artistic enquiry.

A daily capsule of fluid for you and me by Fran Norton